Sunday 2 October 2011

Fukushima, one month later

Copyright @ Daichi Koda

Photographer Daichi Koda went to Fukushima a month after a powerful earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and brought much tragedy and loss to Northeastern Japan. It was so devastating that most Japanese couldn't find words for it, they couldn't even cry.

Despite all the useful information provided by various news organisations, Daichi could not really imagine what had happened and was still happening in the affected area. What he was able to learn from the news did not connect to his daily life. He felt he needed to experience the Fukushima-reality himself, not just as a photographer but also as a Japanese.

As expected, he found utter devastation and mostly dead towns. When however he came to the area where entry was banned he encountered people who tried to keep on living on their land, despite the radioactive contamination. Their numbers are increasing.

Daichi took photographs of them. They do not show the terrible catastrophe and incredible tragedy that we associate with Fukushima. Instead they show how people continue to go about their lives on their contaminated land. For them, it is still a land to live on.

For the picture gallery, go to

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