Wednesday 14 January 2009

Thai time

Many Thai have never heard of Albert Einstein, but they know for sure that time is relative; bad time is supposed to be short and good time long and lazy. To the Siamese time is a vast and mysterious ocean in which interesting things swim by and happen to them.
Carol Hollinger: Mai pen rai means never mind


  1. Hans,
    no certain you know of that, but in Brazil, in happy times you say 'o tempo passou voando, nem deu pra sentir' and it almost always refers to time spent who someone we love, either friends / family or and making love. (which one is best?)
    bad times seem to last an eternity. it is like 'there is no tomorrow'

  2. You've given me the impetus to get blogging again Hans!

  3. Kalina,
    Since reality, as Heracleitus famously said, is in constant flux, one might even wonder whether there is a present ...

  4. David's blog is
