Friday 18 September 2009

Pictures that I like (8)

In Paese @ Antonia Zennaro

When I recently came across the homepage of Antonia Zennaro, a young photographer living in Hamburg, and studying at the Danish Journalism School in Aarhus - for her impressively international CV, go to - I was especially fascinated by her Italian pics that seemed to originate from another era. The one shown here was taken in 2006, in San Giovanni di Fiore, a mountain village in Calabria. It was Sunday, and Antonia, who had to do an assignment for the photography course in Rome that she was then attending, was walking through the village streets looking for possible pictures. Her big format camera (a Sinar) caused a lot of interest and so, in Antonia's own words, "there were no troubles to take a picture of a family with neighbours. The mother had to hurry because the food was in the oven, but in the end she gave me the time to get this moment."

I not only like this picture, I also like Antonia's description of how it came about for it is indeed the people portrayed who, by giving their time, made the photo of this moment possible.

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