Wednesday 17 January 2024

In Porto

5 April 2022

My first impression of Porto: Birds. I spotted them pretty much everywhere during my few days in town. I'm fascinated by the way they walk, and even more fascinated by their elegant flight. And, I felt reminded of the observation that feathered beings can't be caressed (I believe to have come across this observation in Pauline Melville's  wonderful and highly recommendable "The Ventriloquist's Tale").
6 April 2022

I have no idea why I photograph what I photograph, it always seems to happen on a whim. What I deem important is the frame, and the composition. To me, photos are primarily reminders of where I've been, and of what happened after the picture was taken – I had a cappuccino in a nearby street cafe from where I watched a middle-aged woman practising dancing steps on the side of the street while listening to instructions via her earphones.
7 April 2022

The birds sat only for a few minutes on the roof before they ventured out for another round that eventually brought them back to the above roof. I can still hear them flapping their wings.

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