Wednesday 26 June 2024

I just love weather!

Sargans, Switzerland, 4 June 2024

"I just love weather", exclaimed my classmate, a young woman from Vancouver Island, when it started to rain on our school trip to one of the valleys in Costa Rica. That was in 1996. No, she was not on drugs, she simply was like that. I thought her refreshingly naive, I liked her and sympathised with her attitude which was then beyond me..

Her comment recently came to mind on a rainy summer's day in Eastern Switzerland, when all of a sudden the sky turned grey, and then dark. Thunder was to be heard, and then the rain started to pour heavily. I felt entranced by these changes. And, I think it strange that for most of my life I haven't really paid attention to weather. It is something new to me to contemplate weather changes, to realise that one moment is different from the next, and that there is no continuity whatsoever. 

The dark and low hanging clouds suddenly give way to sun rays which in turn stay for a short while before the wind comes up and a light grey starts to dominate .... To see and experience constant change is truly fascinating

It just is what is.

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