Wednesday 25 November 2020

The World Ain't Enough ...

Oliver Raschka, trained in economics and psychology, lives in Stuttgart, Germany. As a photographer he is essentially self-taught, in addition he attended numerous workshops with renowned photographers.

The world ain't enough ... documents the first ten years of his two sons. The black and white photographs show them at home and at play, at sporting events and when shopping. One senses not only the boys' excitement, the father's joy is also palpable.

Some pics show just one of the boys, others the two boys together. In both cases, what dominates these photographs is interaction, be it that the two interact with each other, be it that one of the boys is playing with his mobile or observing a car on the highway. Moreover, the kids also interact with the father (or with the camera?).

Says the father: “My sons are early birds. Their nights end between six and seven o’clock in the morning. After getting up, they are in full swing and with their vivid imagination they take in the world within seconds. The world ain’t enough …! The world ain’t enough!”

The cleverly composed photos seem to have been taken with an idea or concept in mind of how to juxtapose the brothers or to contrast one of the two with his environment. Not all of them but quite some. Oliver Raschka however informs me that he tried to capture moments of life as it unfolded. “I don’t ask my sons to pose for me. It’s all about pictures from real life …”.

For the full review, see here

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